Club Fitness Inspired's Rocky Training Camp
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WELCOME to the Fitness Inspired community! Here at Fitness Inspired, we strive to create a support system full of energy, encouragement, and fun! By purchasing this program in Club Fitness Inspired, you are agreeing to the terms of the Fitness Inspired Liability Waiver, which can be viewed here, and the Fitness Inspired Contract, which can be viewed here. You will receive a confirmation email receipt within 24 hours. Plan to get started right away in living more Fitness Inspired and making changes you love to live with.
WANT MORE INFO about the Club? Click here for more
THIS MONTH'S DATES: April 3-26th
SPECIAL THIS MONTH: teams of 4 people (sign up with your team or solo)
TEAM RATE: $45: sign up with your team of 4 (coupon code: team)
WANT MORE INFO about the Club? Click here for more
THIS MONTH'S DATES: April 3-26th
SPECIAL THIS MONTH: teams of 4 people (sign up with your team or solo)
TEAM RATE: $45: sign up with your team of 4 (coupon code: team)