YAY! So glad you are here and I'm looking forward to taking INSPIRED action as we make attempts and all the little wins and BIG community impact we make together with this Love More Challenge!
Here's how you can participate, contribute, and be a part of our love more challenge community!
Text "LOVE" to 616-300-5544 to receive a text message a day for 10 days with a love more message
Purchasing and wearing and using our gorgeous Love More merch
Donate $10 or more directly to The Children's Heart Foundation as your admission into one of our Fitness Inspired Love More Workout Classes**(see class times/days below)
ALL proceeds will go directly the Children's Heart Foundation in honor of heart warrior, Jack Siegert.
YOU are making a difference- Thank YOU!
We are spreading the Love More message by
wearing this reminder
sending post cards
doing love more workouts
donating ALL the proceeds to the cause
In February + March this year (2021) - thank you for helping us raise-- $267.80 from Love More Merch and $470.75 from FI Workouts that Fitness Inspirers sent directly to The Children's Heart Foundation. It makes me so happy to see you wearing and using your merch and doing what you can to Love More! You are amazing. You are needed. I am so glad you are here!
Love More Merch
Thank you to Christine Borst Creative who designed and put together the beautiful artwork, and all the love more merchandise. ALL Proceeds go to the children’s heart foundation. Search "Love More" in her etsy shop.
Thank you to Jill at better mail who put together our AMAZING postcards so we can all mail more love! They even include postage, so it makes it more convenient to send. All proceeds go to The Children’s Heart Foundation.
Thank you to Megan who inspired this challenge, your willingness to share your story, and to see Jack thrive and grow inspires us all! Read Megan tell Jack and their family's story HERE.
The boy who started this all! He is a champion, and the reason this all started! Love you Jack!
To our Fitness Inspired community. Thank you for your generous support as you participate in our FI for a cause events and challenges! Thank you for spreading the LOVE by inviting others to participate in events like this and leading by example as you consistently show up to Wake Up and Workout and Love More! You Rock!
Addison! Last year, she was inspired by our love more shirts and The Love More challenge was born. You will continue to do big things in this world little one! Thank you for inspiring us all!
Thank you for joining this movement to Love More (whenever and however you can)
Contributing to this foundation (The Children's Heart Foundation) in honor of Jack (who before his first birthday had several open heart surgeries and is a heart warrior inspiring us all to Love More)
Creating a ripple effect of love and connection #LoveMoreChallenge
Join us for our Love More Fitness Inspired Classes:
Donate directly to The Children's Heart Foundation a minimum of $10 for admission to this class (I will use attendance numbers to track and add to how much money we are raising as a community)
Go to zoom.us and room number 777-555-1984, password "yourock" on the day and time of the class :)