If you didn't already, be sure to check out Part One of this post HERE.
FUEL YOUR BODY (AND MIND) THE BEST YOU CAN What we are consuming for our physical body and what we are consuming for our mental and emotional health matters! Period. end of story, right? Yes, it matters. Now what do we do about it? There are several traps I see people in the middle of and find myself in the midst of too at times. Here are some strategies that have worked for me and other Fitness Inspirers too. I will go through a list of ideas for you— give yourself some grace, find one that feels good to you, and be proud of yourself for even going “there.” Bring your awareness to what and when and how much of what types of food, drink, water, media you are consuming? It helps a lot of people to get it down on paper. Ask yourself some questions, one idea—does this feel healthy for me in this season of life right now? Another idea is what I call the “But First” principle. You know the shirts that say But First, coffee? It goes with this idea if we can change just one thing, change what you lead each meal with for example, But First, I eat my veggies. And what we start our day with, and out of transition how do we start our next “thing.” This has been a life-changing principle that so many Fitness Inspirers are so happy to have adopted! Your day just goes that much better when you start your day with a workout for an example.
As I write this, gyms are closed, social distancing is becoming increasingly important and there is fear of the unknown. With this current reality, it's easy to get in a head-spin of fear and negativity. However, we don't want to live in that place for long or often. Research tells us, and I think we all know deep down, that getting stuck in fear will erode our mental and physical health. Like always, we have a choice of how we will react to our situation. Will we stay down or will we rise? We have an opportunity to make the best out of this situation and we ALL have it in us to do so! Let's get some strategy and tools to stay healthy, strong, and inspired during difficult times like now.
Fitness inspired is here to support you in this temporary new normal.
The hardest thing for me at a time like this is the unknown. And right now is no different. I have been hearing from some of you and we are having a cocktail of fears, uncertainty, overwhelm, and big emotions. My best strategy that I have to reverse this spiral -is to get into action. Physical action and strategic action to take even the smallest step forward will help! No one would blame you right now for shutting down, living in a state or overwhelm and trying to firefight all these issues that may or may not even come true. But I think we can agree that’s not going to serve us. So let’s do this thing! And each day let’s choose courage and get into action. Let’s get into action together and focus on the foundations that will keep us and our families healthy and strong (mentally and physically). How can you focus on something you can control and get into action? Here are a few ideas to try:
Would love to hear what strategies are working for you right now and if you have any other ideas!
Drumroll please for our next challenge>>>>>>you’re going to want to do this challenge especially if you have any traveling or vacation plans in the next couple months!! If not save this challenge and stop whatever you are doing (after you listen of course ?) and get a mini or full vaca on the books ?☀️?
#fitnessinspiredchallenge #vacationgoals #travelwithfitnessinspired #healthyANDrefreshed #livefitnessinspired |
Kiersten GelfandI am a passionate, adventure-seeking, fitness entrepreneur who loves having fun, my family and friends, a challenge, and creating a positive impact (to name a few :))! Archives
January 2023